School feeding program: A simple solution to enhancing access to education.

Justice for Children with support from CISU and Dreamtown is implementing a drought relief program in Marange and Buhera. The project is being implemented in partnership with Hope for Kidz…

JCT conducting a needs assessment in Buhera and Marange on the impact of the El- Nino induced drought on children and vulnerable communities.

JCT advancing the rights of children through provision of legal aid services at the door step of communities: Mobile Legal Aid Clinic in Epworth

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Commemorating International Day of Education 2023

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Child Rights Case Alert!!!

Today Justice for Children’s (JCT) Child Rights Advocate Pamellah Musimwa represented a juvenile who together with 24 others is being accused of “Participating in a gathering with intent to promote…

JCT conducting Discussion Forum with Duty Bearers comprising Senior Members of Parliament and Junior MPs

JCT educating communities on child protection laws

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JCT Humanitarian Assistance in Manicaland – Emergency Response to Cyclone Anna

JCT facilitated a Discussion Forum which brought together actors in child protection and access to justice aimed at identifying gaps in current laws affecting children and come up with recommendations to effectively protect children.

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JTC bringing legal services to the doorsteps of communities- Mobile legal aid clinics

A Birth Certificate is a right not a privilege

The High Court has ordered the Registrar of Birth and Death to allow fathers to obtain birth certificates for children born outside wedlock

Supreme Court confirms that children born out of wedlock have the same rights as any other child with regards to paternal care and responsibility
